AlphaBrook BDI: A Better Value than BD Platforms

There is a problem within the Federal Business Development Intelligence market. Almost all of the vendors in this market, mainly Business Development (BD) software platforms, are focused on less than 20% of the total capture intelligence a company needs to effectively bid and win a Federal contract. AlphaBrook provides the industry-leading comprehensive BD Intelligence solution that includes both the surface-level 20% and the deeper 80% of winning capture intelligence.

Our Story

Five years ago, we began to wonder why BD software platforms were limiting themselves to such basic information. We quickly developed an opinion that much of their 20% was the quantitative BD information that’s easily pulled from publicly-accessible systems like (FBO), the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS), System for Award Management (SAM), and the Central Contractor Registration System (CCR). Chances are, if you work with the Federal government, you already know how to use these systems, and may even currently be using a BD software platform. While decent for providing surface-level information, our clients have repeatedly found that the value from these BD software platforms is hard to measure, and many don’t believe these platforms’ information actually helps win deals.

The information that’s missing from these platforms is the qualitative capture intelligence. This intel cannot be simply downloaded from a database, but requires direct communication and engagement with government program decision-makers to obtain. While some of the platforms will call contracting officers, we realized there weren’t any that persistently call government program executives, where up to 80% of the best capture intelligence usually resides. In fact, even the contact information in the platforms is often outdated and incorrect. Though as these BD software platforms already have thousands of companies paying thousands of dollars and are continuing to grow, what reason would they have to invest in the other 80% of qualitative intelligence? We think, for these software platforms, the process of researching the government source selection authority and how they feel about certain contractors, solutions, labor rates, challenges, or other topics is too difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.

But not for AlphaBrook.

 AlphaBrook was founded as an enterprise research solution to uncover the other 80% qualitative capture intelligence below the surface. We didn’t want to sell another BD software subscription; we wanted to make an impact and pioneer a ROI-based BD Intelligence solution. So, we started by developing an inventory of all the different qualitative research items we knew Federal companies wish they had from existing platforms. Our list included things such as: real-time feedback on incumbency performance from government executives; detailed information on upcoming evaluation panel members, including their contact information and solution preferences; advanced confirmation (no forecasting) of specific acquisition strategy details (vehicle choice, set-aside choice, evaluation methods, etc.); advanced confirmation of your bidding competition for specific opportunities; detailed and accurate government executive analysis to understand their priorities and pain points; and much more. We ended up with enough qualitative research areas that we even developed an infographic to help illustrate the importance of our “below the surface” BD intelligence.

Fast-forward 5 years to present day; AlphaBrook has signed hundreds of companies who depend on our BD Intelligence (BDI) to help them win the right deals while avoiding the wrong ones. Our ability to identify government decision-makers not reported on other tools and engage with them to understand their thoughts and feelings is what sets us apart. If you are currently paying a significant amount for the 20% of easily available information but wish you had an accurate and systematic way to receive the other 80% qualitative intelligence, we would encourage you to sign up for a 30-minute AlphaBrook BDI demonstration.

Matt Hastings