How We Obtain Winning VoicedIQ® Bid Intelligence

1. Identify

The first step in obtaining our exclusive bid intelligence is to identify the key decision makers and evaluation panel members for each opportunity. We are able to quickly identify the source selection board because we have been communicating and reaching out to the government for over a decade collecting and storing all the data. We are calculated and thoughtful in who we decide to reach out to given any historical context we have. From this history of communication with the government, we have access to millions of government contacts within our government contact database. Having this vast database saves us a lot of time when identifying the key decision makers. We also utilize and access a full suite of tools to assist with quickly identifying these points of contact. The government is aware of AlphaBrook and knows who we are, allowing us to identify the right evaluation panel members for each opportunity.

2. Engage

The second step in obtaining our exclusive bid intelligence is to engage with the key decision makers. Our 10-year relationship with the government allows us to have communications that are sincere, open, and raw. We know who to call first and how to contact them. The government is willing to share both successes and failures with us along with being transparent and sharing feedback. The government knows that we don’t have a hidden agenda while gathering the bid intelligence and that we are wanting to learn and take what is given to us and share it. The government knows we will share the feedback provided in an honest way without misconstruing any of the bid intel. When engaging with the government, we don’t have a direct financial incentive and they recognize this, causing them to be open and willing to engage with us.

3. Interview

The third step in obtaining our exclusive bid intelligence is to interview the key decision makers. The government has agreed in many cases to exclusively interview only with us due to the trust we have built up over the past decade. We have developed a significant decision-tree interview process that has been trialed and includes lessons learned from our years of interviewing the government. We conduct live conversations with the evaluation panel members and know from past experience what questions we should discuss. Our specific interview process structures questions in a way the government likes and is comfortable for them. Our questions are structured to benefit the government by pulling the most bid intelligence in the most efficient way. We have understood interview formats and time lengths with the government that allows for high quality and successful interviews to occur.

4. Transcribe

The fourth step in obtaining our exclusive bid intelligence is to transcribe the unique customer intelligence gathered from interviews with the key decision makers. We also utilize artificial intelligence, including natural language processing (NLP) to document and report on the government feedback as thoroughly and accurately as possible. This innovative and embedded technology combined with our team of journalistic writers helps manage and complete successful interviews to ensure accuracy as well as efficiency. We are able to pull the conversational bid intelligence that is most meaningful from our interviews with the government to create highly exclusive and actionable opportunity bid intelligence within the VoicedIQ™ platform.

5. Delivery

The fifth and final step in obtaining our exclusive bid intelligence is to deliver it to our customers. We add the bid intelligence to the VoicedIQ platform in their respective places. Any new government evaluation panel or decision-making contacts we gather throughout this process will also be added to our Government Buyer Database for our customers to search, identify, and take outreach action on.

Our in depth and tenured process to gather exclusive bid intelligence from the right contacts results in a seamless customer experience allowing them to act upon the intel. No other platform has our outreach and customer-insight pedigree, which enables us to provide incredible bid intel depth and granularity. The linear intelligence manufacturing process we have in place to gather the bid intelligence is like a daisy chain, a connected series happening one after the other. Each step is perfected and needs to be completed to allow the whole process to run smoothly and efficiently to offer unmatched bid intelligence for our customers. To learn more about how AlphaBrook can help you and your team gain a competitive advantage on your most important bids, schedule a pressure-free conversation with us.

Monica Cardona