Matt Hastings, AlphaBrook's CEO, is Featured on The Smalls Podcast
Our CEO, Matt Hastings, was invited to speak on The Smalls podcast by Dennis Kater, CEO of The Smalls, and share information about our popular Voice-of-Government® solution. The Smalls is designed for small government contractors, service providers, and manufacturers, as part of the government contractor ecosystem, connecting people, organizations, and resources, and is run out of Colorado Springs.
Podcast host Nate delved into multiple topics with Matt including the origin and mission of AlphaBrook, what makes our VoG solution unique in the Federal contracting intelligence market, how we help government contractors overcome common challenges when developing winning bids, hurdles contractors face in communicating openly with the government, the government’s lack of transparency in sharing their pain points and solution preferences with industry, and more. Given that many of The Smalls' listeners are small businesses, Matt and Nate discussed how AlphaBrook's VoG intel is especially valuable to companies within small business categories.
Matt Hastings, CEO of AlphaBrook
Listen to the episode below to learn more about how AlphaBrook Voice-of-Government® helps thousands of contractor growth executives expand their Federal footprint.