ROI-based Budgeting for BD Intelligence in 2020

For most companies, December is a very busy month planning for the upcoming New Year and determining budgets for your most important 2020 expenses, including Business Development investments. In thinking on this as a team over here at AlphaBrook, we often wonder how firms determine what gets included within their BD budget. Unfortunately, the busyness of the holiday season can result in a budget-by-default approach. Meaning, companies will budget by default for BD tools they already use without considering alternatives or measuring return on investment (ROI).


ROI-based budgeting involves measuring which current or potential BD investments yield the highest possible return on your expenses. In speaking with companies who use the basic industry BD platforms, they have shared their inability to measure ROI since everyone already has the same generic information. Since everyone has the same information, they are unable to claim a unique advantage with no clear evidence that their paid BD platform contributed towards their contract win(s).

With AlphaBrook, our Voice-of-Government® (VoG) intelligence is exclusively obtained through direct discussions with government program and procurement decision-makers, and is not shared with the masses. Our clients receive the most accurate, real-time customer-specific intel, resulting in new contract wins and measurable ROI for your budget prioritization. Our documented VoG approach enables companies to make bid/no bid and proposal content decisions based on the government customer feedback we provide, allowing them to accurately assess the ROI of our solution.

To learn more about the ROI you can expect from AlphaBrook, please schedule a time to talk with us.

Our proprietary Voice-of-Government® solution guarantees:

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Matt Hastings