The Winning Intel Missing from Paid BD Platforms
When reviewing potential Business Development (BD) investments, there are many factors to weigh when comparing alternatives. If a paid BD platform is within your consideration set, we have provided a few example scenarios below that illustrate the frustrations our clients have encountered when using paid BD platforms.
BD Platform Problem | Scenario 1
Chris and Eric are working together to reload their BD team’s pipeline for 2020. They need to identify 10 opportunities scheduled for competition in the next 6 months that align with their past performance in VA or DoD and are confirmed to be SDVOSB set-aside. After turning to their paid BD platform to search, the exercise becomes exhausting and impossible to complete given the numerous gaps in information on their platform. The paid platform has the words “To Be Determined” for multiple fields and is missing critical acquisition intel on contract vehicle selection, RFP timeline, and end-user program point(s) of contact, leaving the duo empty-handed with no real certainty about which opportunities they are eligible to pursue. Also, Chris and Eric are hearing about VA related opportunities being released on T4NG and GSA IT-70 which are not reported on their platform. This revelation further diminishes their ability to use the paid platform as a comprehensive approach to winnow their opportunity targets.
BD Platform Problem | Scenario 2
Linda is a VP of BD for an 8(a) small business focused on creative design and looking to expand into CMS. She is aware of an upcoming CMS RFP with content management and website design requirements, but is unsure who to call to learn more about the current customer environment and solution needs. She tries searching her paid BD platform for relevant CMS contacts, but most of the phone numbers she tries calling no longer function or go to the wrong people. After several attempts at different numbers, an HHS Contract Specialist finally answers the phone and explains she is in NIH, not CMS, but even if she were in CMS, she would not communicate with Linda since she is a contractor. Sadly, Linda is unable to identify or connect with the appropriate CMS government program end-users to learn more about their environment. Linda feels stuck and does not know how she is going to be able to connect and establish a relationship with the key CMS buyers for web design work.
BD Platform Problem | Scenario 3
Samuel is a BD Director working to build his pipeline for the coming year. He searches his paid BD platform for upcoming DHS opportunities in the 5415—NAICS codes that will be 100% small business set-aside. After finding a seemingly relevant RFP he is interested in, Samuel calls the Contracting Officer (CO) to learn more about the solicitation timeline, as his paid BD platform only lists Q2FY20 as the scheduled RFP release date. After multiple attempts to call the CO reported on the platform, Samuel finally reaches her, only to learn she is not the correct CO. When he is redirected to the actual CO, the CO informs him that the recompete was already released on GSA IT-70 last month and the proposal submission period has closed. Samuel is disappointed as he realizes the paid BD platforms struggle to accurately report on IT-70 competitions, as well as numerous other contract vehicles. Without being able to trust the BD data in the platforms, Samuel starts seeking other avenues for real-time information to avoid additional missed opportunities in the future.
Paid BD Platforms often lack critical information for upcoming solicitations
If you currently use a paid BD platform, you are likely very familiar with the frustrations felt in one or more of these scenarios. In our conversations with contractor BD executives, they share recurring stories of outdated or inaccurate information within their paid BD platforms, costing them significant time and money on lost contract wins. While we recognize that BD platforms serve a basic purpose to consolidate general contract information (from FPDS and beta.SAM) into one place, we caution that vendors should not fully trust the information within these platforms as much of it is outdated or auto-generated, and is not fully reflective of all available opportunities within the market.
The following list summarizes key issues with the content reported within paid BD platforms:
Auto-generated and inaccurate solicitation timeline and budget information for many opportunities
Inaccurate or incomplete acquisition strategy information for many opportunities, in areas such as vehicle, SIN, set-aside strategy, etc.
Major gaps in information for opportunity-specific pages, such as competition type, missed incumbent contract information, contract description or scope information, etc.
Incorrect or outdated contracting office points of contact for many upcoming RFP pages, and often government program points of contact are not listed or outdated
Minimal or no outreach by the paid platform to contacts within government program offices, and often a lack of direct verbal feedback from government program decision-makers
Limited qualitative analysis for opportunities in critical areas such as;
Almost no insight into incumbent contractor performance
Lack of pain points and challenges for the current or upcoming opportunity
Usually no insight into opportunity level of effort and personnel
Competitor and partner analysis based on limited spending data, and false alignment and cohesion of capabilities, vehicle access, past performance, etc.
Very little new information gleaned, as most information is merely copied directly from government documents already available
Paid BD platforms often claim an upcoming RFP is a new opportunity, when in reality there is a well-positioned incumbent already providing a solution
Missing acquisition artifacts, such as past solicitation documentation, performance work statement, or statement of work, which share important program background and solution details
Very limited access or no access to popular acquisition vehicles in most cases, resulting in a lack of task order updates and details
Overall, very outdated and surface-level information that could be obtained from FPDS or beta.SAM in many instances
As a stark contrast to the paid BD platforms, the AlphaBrook VoG solution provides a thorough and accurate analysis of upcoming opportunities based on intel obtained through direct conversations with the government program and procurement contacts. Our intel is verified and customized to fill your exact intel gaps, allowing your team more time to develop bidding strategy and establish relationships with the government customer. The detailed and granular nature of our intel provides definitive and actionable insights, enabling your team to improve p-win and increase contract wins. We also provide support in building out your pipeline with opportunities not available on many of the paid platforms via our Pipeline Reports.
If you are interested in learning more about our Voice-of-Government approach, please submit your information to schedule a call.