6 Bid Intelligence Difficulties for BD & Proposal Executives
When speaking to contractors about the difficulties they encounter with their current paid BD platform, we often find they are running into similar obstacles. We have organized six of the most frequently expressed bid intelligence difficulties into a question format below. Click on the arrow icon to reveal how the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ platform provides solutions to these questions.
The VoicedIQ Platform provides insight into incumbent performance for every opportunity, allowing your team to fully understand the bid risk when considering different pursuits.
Our robust VoicedIQ evaluation panel and buyer database allows your team to quickly identify the correct decision-makers and develop an action plan.
Our VoicedIQ Platform provides real-time procurement details sourced through direct conversations with the actual government customers behind your team’s most important bid pursuits.
The VoicedIQ platform increases your B&P ROI by providing bid intelligence not available elsewhere, creating a competitive advantage against those who do not use our solution, as well as a level playing field to your competitors already subscribed to VoicedIQ.
We help your team avoid missed opportunities with VoicedIQ Custom Pipeline Reports, which are developed by scanning over 40 different opportunity sources, including many vehicles where your team may not have visibility.
VoicedIQ identifies real-time customer pain points, allowing your team to draft proposals with successful win themes and technical solutions that best align with the government’s true needs.
If you currently use a paid BD platform, you are likely familiar with one or more of the above difficulties. In contrast to other solutions in the market, the VoicedIQ Platform opens the door to exclusive insights sourced through direct conversations with the government decision-makers behind your most important bid pursuits. Our conversations are transcribed, in real-time, word-for-word, for maximum accuracy, allowing your team more time to develop a bidding strategy and establish valuable relationships with government customers. To learn more about how the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ platform can help you and your team, schedule a pressure-free demo with us.