AlphaBrook VoicedIQ® First Year ROI

Measuring the ROI of a solution calculates the amount of return that can be directly tied to that particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. AlphaBrook’s VoicedIQ solution provides measurable ROI because the intel we provide is obtained exclusively through direct conversations with the government RFP and program buyers. In CY2021 alone, we completed over 20,000 conversations with government decision-makers and added millions of quoted statements to our VoicedIQ Platform, in turn generating over $96B in contract wins for our subscribers. Compared to the hours it can take for a BD team to build their relationships with different agencies, AlphaBrook already has rapport across agencies. With our platform, you are more likely to win contracts and avoid wasteful deals. We gather intelligence that aids you in deciding whether to continue putting time into an opportunity or not as we communicate with the decision-makers within the Program offices. Fact: we helped our customers save over $275M B&P dollars last year alone, not to mention the exorbitant amounts of time we saved their teams. ROI like this is only possible from the raw verbal feedback we gather through our research process because it’s unique, personalized, and recent.




Through AlphaBrook’s VoicedIQ Platform, we provide conversational bid intelligence, create a layer of anonymity, lower BD costs, increase the speed of access to information, and provide outrageous ROI for you. By signing up for the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ Platform, you not only greatly increase their probability of win for Federal pursuits, but you also gain access to exclusive bid intelligence. To learn more about how the Alphabrook VoicedIQ Platform can help you and your team make informed and timely bid decisions while maximizing your business development return on investment, schedule a pressure-free conversation with us.

Monica Cardona